Monday, October 21, 2019

Law and Order Scenerio essays

Law and Order Scenerio essays A young teenage girl by the name of Jackie Lendrix is raped, and an older woman by the name of Karen is murdered and raped in the same area. After she is raped the police start questioning everyone that is a suspect. Jackie tells the D.A. that she was blind folded and couldnt see who it was. The first to be suspected is Mr. Randal. Her dad rents a room in there house to this forty year old man. To make things look more suspicious to the cops is that the room is right next to Jackies. The cops ask if they can have a DNA sample. Mr. Randal agrees. The police find two matches of the DNA which was retrieved from Jackie. Mr. Randals DNA matched it, but so did his friends Charles Enos. Before they question Mr. Randal again, they question Mr. Enos. The police tell him that the DNA found in Jackie was his. He told the police, Why would he want jail bait when he can get it from her mom. The police then question Mr. Randal again. They tell him that the DNA he gave them was the same DNA found in Jackie. He claims that he has sex with the mother for money from Tom her husband. The police have an idea that the dad is sick minded and might be a sexual obsessive Narcissus. He might just use the kids as vicaress sexual partners. The children wont say anything about their parents actions because they love them. This is called child sexual abusive commendation syndrome. The police quickly put their children to a safe house. While picking them up, they find out that Mr. Lendrix has two kids from a different man. To make things worst, Tom is the one that insisted she should have kids from other men to keep their family going. They question Tom. He denies any such action of hurting his girls in anyway. After questioning Tom, the police go to the safe house to question Jackie. Jackie then opens up and tells them that her dad forced a syringe in her vagina. She told him to stop, bu...

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