Saturday, August 31, 2019
Anatomy of Human Essay
1. Review the anatomy of the brain. Which portion is responsible for keeping you awake, controlling thought, speech, emotions and behavior, maintaining balance and posture? 2. Know the function of the arachnoid villi. 3. Where is the primary defect in Parkinsons disease and Huntingtons? 4. What is the function of the CSF? Where is it produced? Where is it absorbed? 5. Review blood flow to the brain. 6. What is the gate control theory of pain? 7. Know the type of nerve fibers that transmit pain impulses. 8. Where in the CNS does pain perception occur? 9. Know different clinical descriptions of pain; pain threshold/tolerance 10. Know endogenous opioids. 11. What are the two types of fibers that transmit the nerve action potentials generated by excitation of any of the nociceptors. 12. What is the relationship between epinephrine and body temperature? 13. Know mechanisms of heat production and heat loss. 14. Know heat exhaustion and heat stroke? 15. Define the different stages of sleep. 16. Discuss disorders of the conjunctivia of the eye. 17. Which part of the eye controls movement of the eye? 18. What part of the brain must be functioning for cognitive operations? 19. Discuss the types of mid-brain dysfunction and its physical symptoms. 20. Know the best prognostic indicator of recovery of consciousness and functional outcome after a brain event. 21. Know vomiting with which CNS injuries. 22. Define seizure and status epilepticus. What is the medical significance? Know benign febrile seizures. 23. Know the characteristics of closed head injury. 24. Define dyskinesia. Types? Characteristics? 25. Know the stages of intracranial hypertension. 26. Know normal intracranial pressure. How does body compensate for increased ICP? 27. Know the most critical index of nervous system dysfunction/function. 28. What is responsible for the tremors associated with Parkinsons Disease? 29. Define concussion. Know the different grades of concussion. 30. Know coupe and countercoup brain injuries and how they happen. 31. Know most common primary CNS tumor. 32. What happens to a patient after an acute spinal cord injury? Why is it life threatening? Describe the clinical manifestations. Why would their temperature fluctuate? 33. Know diagnostic criteria for vegetative state and brain death. 34. Define and discuss the different types of stroke, which affected artery causes what data processing deficits (agnosia, dysphasia, etc). 35. Know all types of cerebral edema and what causes each type. 36. Know characteristics of AV malformation. 37. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Multiple Sclerosis. 38. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Guillian Barre Syndrome. 39. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Mysthenia Gravis 40. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Parkinsons disease. 41. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Huntington disease. 42. Prenatal and perinatal factors may result in what psychiatric condition? 43. What is schizophrenia? What part of the brain is associated with the S/S of this disorder? 44. Define depression and its types; know etiology. 45. How Does ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) treat depression? 46. Define generalized anxiety disorder. What is the underlying defect? Know characteristics. 47. Define panic disorder. What are the complications? 48. Define encephalocele, meningocele, spina bifida, myelomeningocele. Where is the defect located in each? 49. Know when the neural groove closes during embryonic development. 50. Know pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of cerebral palsy. 51. Know pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of PKU. 52. What nerves are capable of regeneration?
Friday, August 30, 2019
Four Types of Informative Speeches Essay
The last part of chapter 14 is a bit confusing as it attempts to categorize the different approaches to Informative Speaking. For our purposes, we will assign Informative Speeches to the following four (4) types, and this is to REPLACE pages 337-344. Use these, and NOT the ones in the text, to guide you in the development of the Informative Speech. 4 Types of Informative Speeches 1) Descriptive – in the most general sense, you are trying to get the audience to experience something through you. There are 2 approaches to do this: a) the â€Å"real†speech- this is the description of a real, tangible, and physical that is so vivid and precise that the audience can picture it in their mind. The subject could be a place, an object, a person, etc and is described so clearly that the audience can accurately visualize it. b) The â€Å"mood†speech- this is where you attempt to convey just how a particular emotion or feeling feels; and the successful mood speech has the audience actually experiencing that emotional state. For instance, when answering the question â€Å"How does it feel when you are depressed?†the speaker does not simply list other synonymous labels for depression such as ‘down’, ‘bummed’, ‘low’, but focuses instead upon the physiological ( weak, listless), mental (slower thinking, confusion), psychological( joyless, hating self), social( rejected, friendless) aspects. A good contemporary example is the TV ad about ADHD that likens this condition to trying to watch TV with the channels changing every second while showing a rapidly changing TV in the background. Mood speeches are difficult to maintain and develop as the entire speech, and are used many times as a segment of a â€Å"report†speech on that topic. 2) Report – the Report speech is a vastly different speech from the mood speech in that it deals with hard facts and precise data in a very analytical way. It also can be used in a myriad of ways: the life cycle of a flea, a biography of a person, a report giving information about a culture, country, religion, event, medical condition, etc. Even topics of some controversy can be informative in this category: compare/contrast prescription & generic drugs, the legal history of Roe v. Wade, pros/cons of legalizing prostitution/pot/gambling; school uniforms. The over-riding goal here is to remain fair and objective, the audience should not be able to tell what the speaker’s personal position on the topic happens to be. It is unethical to hide a persuasive agenda under the auspices of an Informative speech, so avoid â€Å"I want to inform you why prostitution should be legal†and/or â€Å"†¦so you can see that since the ‘pros’ greatly outweigh the ‘cons’ we should do this†¦Ã¢â‚¬ or to limit the discussion to only the ‘pros’ (or ‘cons’) without fairly and honestly including the ‘cons’ (or ‘pros’). 3) Explanation- the speech of Explanation defines a process. This is NOT a â€Å"how to†speech; it explains how and/or why some process occurs. This is very much like a tour guide at the mint telling their group how coins are made. This is a more intellectual approach to a process- how diamonds are formed, how the AIDS virus invades T-helper cells, how wood becomes petrified, the water cycle, photosynthesis, how microwaves cook food, any surgical procedure, how the brain stores memories, how viruses infect computers, what makes a curveball curve- the list is endless. Think of all the processes you understand, any of them have the potential to be a good explanation speech. 4) Instruction – this IS the traditional â€Å"How to†speech, and this is where the process is actually performed, or we are taught how to do it. This has a ‘hands-on’ feel to it: how to write a good resume, how to save money/gas/time, how to pack for a vacation, how to debug your computer, how to throw a curveball. Sometimes the process can easily be demonstrated within the time limits of a speech; other processes my take longer than the allotted time. If that is the case, then have the successive steps/stages pre-done so you can move easily form one to the next. The audience really doesn’t need to watch you slice six carrots for a salad instead have all of them pre-sliced and just demonstrate a few cuts and then move on, nor do we need to wait until the paint dries. Take a hint from the professionals that do the hobby/craft/cooking shows on TV, a bit of careful planning beforehand can result in a polished presentation of even a very complex process. These are the categories of Informative Speaking. You do not have to stay within just one type, they can be combined as you see fit. For example, in speech that is primarily Explanation, there may be a section where you need to Describe what something looks like and there may be some elements of Report if you discuss the history of it. There is an easy way to consolidate the points of the text with these 4 types of informative speeches. Think of the categories listed in the text as general topic areas from which an Informative Speech topic could be found. Once a topic has been selected, then its development can be guided and focused by the 4 types of informative speeches. For example, one might choose to do a speech about a person (Salvador Dali); it could be Descriptive (describing his physical attributes) or a Report (a biographical speech about his life) or an Explanation (how he created his works) or even some combination of these. The topic is, in all of these cases, ‘a person’ but it has the potential for different types of development; all leading to very different types of speeches. INFORMATIVE SPEAKING TOPICTYPES of AREASSPEECHES PeopleDescriptive Objects real Places mood EventsReport ProcessesExplanation ConceptsInstruction Conditions Issues
Thursday, August 29, 2019
A Report Evaluating ICT and its Implementation for Distance Learners Essay
a) Evaluate how to maintain effective communication with your tutor. As this is a self-study course, the answer to this question is a little complex. Although there is an actual physical tutor to mark assignments and give feedback, a vital part of gaining a good grade on my assignments is to demonstrate my independent work ability with minimal guidance from my tutor1. Lessons are delivered via the online website, so in a sense the most important skill set necessary is to read, re-read, search the internet to understand any terms which aren’t clear, and then re-read again. There are two tutors on my course. I sent a note of introduction, stating who I am and giving a brief synopsis of why I am studying this course. Although I am sure that I will have study related questions to ask later, and possibly requests for more information regarding assignment feedback, I think that at the moment our communication falls within the bounds of regular courtesy. As the course progresses I think checking my messages regularly, respecting and listening to my t utors feedback, sending a note of acknowledgement on receipt of any messages, and perhaps if appropriate sending a note if I think there will be an unusual amount of delay in finishing the modules, are about as far as the bounds of the course allows for communication. b) Evaluate how technological tools will help you study. The first thing to establish here is what technological tools are both available and relevant to me as a distance learner. Essentially the only tools I will be using are my computer and the internet. My computer will be for collating information in my ePortfolio, writing essays, and accessing the internet. I have divided my ePorfolio into four sections: coursework, reflective notes, research, and self-assessment activities. The necessary ICT skills here are: word processing, scanning and printing, drawing charts and diagrams. I completed a course in word processing and data analysis so I am relatively competent at this. However I have also been refreshing my knowledge via the Microsoft Office ‘Help, Training and Tutorials’ page2, particularly for drawing diagrams, an area I haven’t had much use for recently. Remembering to organise and file relevant information and tasks into the appropriate folders, and ensuring that at the end of each unit I have created a co mprehensive review of my study methods and what I have learnt are the most essential components here. In completing this course the internet is my greatest tool, and can be broken down into many sub-categories. Below is a basic system diagram of how I am accessing the internet to complete my course assignments: To help me research and study, I can go online and use: electronic books, journals, articles, videos, podcasts, and publications from governments and respected counselling organisations. I will go into greater detail later, on exactly which websites I am utilising. However as a brief example: Exploring counselling skills with an emphasis on ICT. I did a basic search for â€Å"counselling resources†online. I discovered a website run by a qualified, practicing, experienced, counsellor in the UK.3 This website provided me with general information, a PDF ebook on training to be a counsellor,4 and links videos providing online lessons on counselling skills and concepts.5 I returned to my original search and followed a link to resources offered by a UK university for its students doing a comparable course.6 This gave me a list of books and journals that undergraduates would be using to explore counselling skills.7 I looked at the recommended books on amazon and ordered sample content of those available as ebooks . I then did web searches on the various authors, and contributors to chapters, to both check their credentials and see if they offered any resources on their practice / university / personal website. I went back to the recommended reading list and looked at the recommended journals and found links to them, eg. British Journal of Psychology.8 I returned to my original search and started investigating counselling organisations and their publications including: UKCP,9 BPS,10 the BACP,11 and the CPCAB12 I went to the UN,13 and EU,14 websites to check their publications regarding counselling. Finally I checked the PubMed15 website to find more links to relevant journals. I noted all of these links for use when researching other more specific aspects of counselling. c) Evaluate how performing a SWOT analysis can help you study. I was unfamiliar with the idea of SWOT analysis before beginning this unit so initially I did some background research on the concept16 and looked at a summary of Authur Humphrey’s, the inventor of SWOT, main principles and conclusions.17 I then searched the internet for ideas on exactly how to identify my own particular strengths and weaknesses. I found mindtools18 particularly helpful because it gave me ideas to consider as I looked at each section. I also performed a personality test19, to see the strengths and weaknesses of my particular personality type. This was less useful, because it was more to do with me personally than with my ability to study, although it gave me several things to consider. I created this chart: At first glance I actually found it quite demoralising – the weaknesses and threats seemed to be considerably more extensive than the strengths and opportunities. However as I analysed it more closely, I quickly realised this was unfounded. I think although I certainly need to consider the threats and weaknesses, they have a lot less weight in comparison to the strengths and opportunities section. So far as I can see my weaknesses are things I can compensate for and take into account as I study. These are my thoughts and solutions for each of them: 1) Limited prior experience of the subject being studied: This is only a temporary problem. I am doing a great deal of background research for this assignment’s part two, and looking into books which might supplement my knowledge. I think I will feel caught up in the near future. 2) Sometimes overly perfectionist (i.e. I can struggle to remember that â€Å"done†is better than â€Å"perfect†): I am setting myself time limits on how long I can edit and re-edit my work. I am consciously writing things that I know may well be deleted or completely revised later, simply to make sure I have a base to work from. 3) Can become over-involved in studying to the point that other areas of my life suffer: I have compiled a detailed schedule for myself, to ensure that I can maintain a balance in my life. I have made sure to keep time free, in particular the weekends when my children are not in school, and to allow time to keep up with my domestic responsibilities. 4) Not having a classroom of other students to bounce idea around with may limit potential: I have been investigating groups of other trainee counsellors and mature students. I have also made sure to check-in on the Oxford College forum20 so I have the potential of meeting other people. I also found the process of self-assessment useful in countering this weakness, I give more detailed thoughts on that later in this report. 5) Sudden loss of enthusiasm – if I overload myself with unrealistic goals I tend to want to quit: In part this is covered by my solution for weakness 6), however I have also been carefully breaking down each unit and each assignment so it is in bite size, manageable chunks. If I can focus on simply completing each section within each unit, without getting overwhelmed by the whole, and in particular with the word count, I can complete everything without any panic. The threats I identified are largely out of my control. I am estimating that it will take me four to six weeks to complete each unit to the best of my ability. This leaves me with a minimum of six weeks free at the end of the two year time limit. I think that this should be enough to compensate for any slowing down in my pace due to unforeseen circumstances. Listing my strengths and investigating my opportunities was a very positive experience for me. Knowing that I am good at research, experienced in distance study, and that I also have access to a university library has made me feel a lot more confident of my abilities. However acknowledging my weaknesses and proactively coming up with plans to counter them has been the most helpful part of the exercise. d) Evaluate the practice of Reflective Writing. Reflective Writing is the process used to: Consider what you originally thought and what you have learnt. Analyse its implications and outcomes. Consider what you could do differently, what more you could learn, how what you have learnt will affect you. It is a vital skill for learners at any level, and considered a necessary practise for health professionals at all levels. When you write reflectively you use a unique mixture of both academic analytical skills and apply them to your own personal situation. It was a concept I was previously unfamiliar with. I looked at the general theory behind it on several university websites, I found the Exeter University guide particularly helpful21, and then more specifically at the Faculty of Public Health website and how it is used by health professionals.22 Throughout this course it is a good way to look at the learning outcomes of each unit. To assess what you originally believed, what you have learnt, and how you can put things into practice. It is also a useful way to keep track of things you think deserve further consideration. So for instance when I was researching SWOT, I came across an interesting theory by Athur Humphrey saying that that the level of people’s work and the effort they put into it is strongly related to reward23. Later on as I was researching what makes effective learners, I came across a scientific study by behaviour economist Dan Ariely that proved this same theory24. Although this information seems interesting, I decided it was not actually directly relevant to what I was being asked to evaluate. It was however something to note and consider in my reflective writing as something that might possibly be relevant later on and something I could learn from. e) Evaluate the practice of Self-Assessment Self assessment, is one of the most important and vital skills in this course. One aspect of it is reflective writing, (detailed previously) but there are several other components. When I do the self-assessment activities in the units I am provided with a baseline of my current knowledge. When I look up the answers at the end of the text this gives me feedback on how much I know, and also helps me to identify what I should be researching to improve my current knowledge level. This is a basic diagram of how I am using the self assessment activities: Essentially, once I know the level of my own knowledge, I can see what I need to work on. A large part of self-assessment seems to be organisation and understanding. The Black Box Report25 on self assessment in British schools noted that the main barrier to student self assessment, is being unsure of exactly what you should be achieving. If you can establish that you have a platform from which to work. Through my SWOT assessment, I established my own personal areas I need to work on. Through the subject specific learning objectives, and self-assessment activities I can establish what I know and what I need to learn. As knowledge is cumulative, organisation is key here – writing up my reflections, with particular reference to the learning objectives of each unit, and collating them in my ePortfolio to provide a body of reference specific to my needs and learning preferences. f) Consider the Principles of an ePortfolio. ePortfolios are widely used, and an integral component of many online courses. The promotion of ePortfolios is also an EU policy26 as a way of â€Å"valuing and celebrating the achievements of the individual.27†From under graduate to doctoral study28 in counselling ePortfolios are now prevalent. The Inter/National Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research29 says they are a way for students to both generate and document learning. â€Å"It’s important†¦ to think of an ePortfolio as both a product -a digital collection of artefacts- and as a process – of reflecting on those artefacts and what they represent.30†There are three main goals when creating an ePortfolio. Firstly, mapping my progress as a student, to clearly set out my research, plans, essays, and self reflection. Doing this allows me to not only clearly see my progress, but to critically assess and reflect on what I have learnt. Secondly, my ePortfolio allows me to document my own personal growth, goals, and achievements; to be able to look at what I have done, how I have viewed challenges and worked through them, and perhaps use those methods again in the future. One of the most important pre-requisites to being a counsellor is empathy; having a clear view of myself, the challenges I have gone through, and my reactions as I went through them is a relevant way of helping me remember and being able to relate. Thirdly my ePortfolio provides a body of information that I can use to help me format a CV – both by showing what learning goals I have achieved and how I have achieved then, and by providing evidence of continuous learning. At a later date it can also provide me with the basis for constructing a professional website. Task 2. Collate Web Resources Relevant to Counselling Studies, and Reflect on What Has Been Learnt. As detailed in section b) I have evaluated counselling resources based on their credibility, i.e whether they are peer reviewed, produced by a national or worldwide organisation, and the qualifications of the author. I have only included resources that meet these guidelines fully or in part. I concentrated my web searches on these websites (in alphabetical order): Bielefeld Academic Search Engine – BASE.31 BASE is a search engine for academic related articles, and journals. A lot of resources related to counselling studies can be found there. British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy – BACP.32 The BACP is a professional organisation for counsellors and psychotherapists in the UK. It sets guidelines for good practice and has various resources and information booklets for counsellors and psychotherapists. It has recently become the first government accredited register for counsellors and psychotherapists in the UK. CogPrints33 – is an online archive of journals and articles with a large psychology section. It is run by Southampton University UK. Columbia University Academic Commons34 gives access to a large number of articles and research papers including many related to counselling psychology. Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body – CPCAB.35 The CPCAB provides standards for counsellors and psychotherapists. It also has a large amount of reference information, including videos on counselling practice. European Union – EU.36 The EU sets standards and makes laws for the whole of Europe. They have a database with a large number of reports, many concerning counselling and it’s implementation. Falmouth University Library*3738 – has a large selection of articles and journals related to counselling and psychology. FreeMedicalJournals39 – a website providing access to journals and their articles that have passed their embargo period. Google Scholar40 – a search engine for scholarly articles and journals. PubMed41 – is a website run by The United States National Library of Medicine. It gives access to journals, articles, and reports concerning health. RELATE42 – is the UK based organisation specifically set up to provide counselling for couples. It has a wide range of publications relating to this. This website will be particularly useful when studying the ‘Relationship Counselling’ unit. Science Direct (the replacement for the now retired SCIRUS)43 Science Direct is a website that allows you to search for science related articles and journals. The Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ.44 The DOAJ is a search engine for journals and articles, many related to counselling and psychology and it’s worldwide implementation. UK Council for Psychotherapy – UKCP45 The UKCP brings together counselling psychotherapists with a broad range of specialisations throughout the UK. It is nationally recognised and accredited. It has a range of free publications for counsellors. UN university46 – has a large collection of research, articles and publications including many regarding mental health. United Nations Children’s Fund – UNICEF.47 UNICEF deals with the rights of children and mothers throughout the world. They have a large databa se of reports concerning the physical and mental wellbeing of children and young people. This website will be particularly useful when studying the ‘Child Counselling’ unit. United Nations –UN.48 The UN sets world standards for human rights and health care. They have a large database of articles and reports making recommendations for international well being, including a significant number regarding psychological health. This is a fairly extensive list of resources, and many of the websites listed gives access to reports and articles which number in the tens of thousands. I have listed only those website which have a very good search procedure – this means that when I look for information I can cut down on as many generalisations as possible and find articles that specifically deal with the topics in each unit. My preference is to first search for articles in well regarded journals, and then to move onto lesser known or new reports and findings. So for example to find information on Counselling Studies I went to the Falmouth Library Database and checked for the three main journals related to counselling in Europe: The European Journal of Counselling Psychology, Counselling Psychology Review, and Counselling Psychology Quarterly. I then searched within these publications for articles on Counselling Studies and Therapeutic Person Centred Counselling in particular. I read the BACP and UKCP guidelines and policy for counsellors and for their training. I made notes and considered what I had learnt. Before I began my research I made some brief notes on what I thought Counselling Studies consists of: A practical study of people and their needs in times of crisis, and how a counsellor can best help them; combined with a minimal but still significant grasp of counselling theory and philosophy. Having conducted independent research on this I think my ideas were accurate though necessarily very basic. Counselling Studies is such a huge subject it is difficult to sum up briefly all the necessary qualities a counsellor needs – the prerequisite role of empathy and the difference between empathy and sympathy, the need for acceptance rather than advice, could fill up several pages alone. However I think that I have a basic idea of who a counsellor should be and very much look forward to learning in greater detail how to be that person. Bibliography. BACP (2014) British Association for Counselling Psychotherapy,Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Black, Paul; Dylan Wiliam (2001) Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment. , Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). BPS (2014) The British Psychological Society, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (2010) BACP Publications and Journals, Available at: 25th February 2014). BSM Consulting Inc. (2014) Portrait of an ISFP, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Columbia University (2014) Academic Commons, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). CPCAB (2014) Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). DOAJ (2014) DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). ElfEL (2014) Memorandum of Understanding: ePortfolio for all, Available at: (Accessed: 31st March 2014). Elsevier (2014) Science Direct, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Europa (2014) European Union: Index, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). European Union (Europa) (2014) Official Documents of the European Union, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Fair, Boyd ed. Albert S. Humphrey (2005) SRI International December 2005 Newsletter, History Corner p7, Available at: 25th February 2014). Falmouth University and The University of Exeter Library (2014)Falmouth University Resources, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Google Scholar (2014) Google Scholar, Available at: 25th February 2014). Gross, Jessica (2013) What Motivates Us at Work? 7 Fascinating Studies That Give Insights., Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Inter/National Coalition For Electronic Portfolio Research (2014) Inter/National Coalition For Electronic Portfolio Research, Available at: (Accessed: 31st March 2014). Lees-Oakes, Rory (2013) Counselling Tutor, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Lees-Oakes, Rory (2013) How To Survive Counselling Training!,Available at: 25th February 2014). Microsoft Corporation (2014) Office Support, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Mind Tools (2014) Personal SWOT Analysis: Making the Most of Your Talents and Opportunities. , Available at: 25th February 2014). Montenegro, Manuel; Bernard Sebastian Kemps (2013) Free Medical Journals, Available at: 25th February 2014). Oxford College (ODL) (2014) Oxford College Forum BTEC HND,Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Oxford Learning (2013) PCC Unit 1 Assessment UD, Available at:file:///C:/Users/Casper/Downloads/COUN_UNIT_1_ASSESSMENT_UD2013%20(3).pdf(Accessed: 20th February 2014). PubMed (2014) PubMed Database, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Relate (2014) RELATE: The Relationship People, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Syed, Naveed; Anne Scoular, Liz Reaney (2012) Faculty of Public Health: Tips on Writing Effective Reflective Notes, Available at: 25th February 2014). UKCP (2013) UK Council for Psychotherapy, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). UN (2014) United Nations, Available at: 25th February 2014). United Nations (2014) United Nations Publications and Reports, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). United Nations Children’s Fund (2014) UNICEF, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Universitat Bielefeld (2014) BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). University of Waterloo: Centre for Teaching Excellence (2012) ePortfolios: What, Why, and How, Available at: (Accessed: 31st March 2014). University Southampton (2014) CogPrints: Cognitive Sciences Eprints Archive, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). UNU Office of Communications (2014) United Nations University, Available at: (Accessed: 25th February 2014). Walker, Victoria; Mark, Rehfuss, Agatha, Parks-Savage (2012) Journal of Technology in Counseling, Volume 5 Issue 1: Using ePorfoliols in a Counseling Distance Learning Program, Available at: (Accessed: 31st March 2014).
Symantec to generate a robust overall business strategy Essay
Symantec to generate a robust overall business strategy - Essay Example Company Profile Symantec Corp., founded in 1982 by visionary computer scientists, has had strong development strategy that saw acquisition of a number of corporations and enterprises to become what it is today. with time, the company has evolved to become one of the world’s largest software companies providing employment opportunities to about 18,500 employees in more than 50 countries(About Symantec, 2013, web). Accordi8ng to Barron’s Table (2013, web), Symantec reported revenues of $6.73 billion in fiscal year (FY) 2012 with a profit of $1.17 billion, and recently reported third quarter FY 2013 results were higher than Q3 2012. Symantec is one of the leaders in the security software market, and its ranking in the Barron’s 500 table rose from 267 to in 2012 to 14 in 2013. The major competitors to Symantec include Macafee, Postini and Websens (About Symantec, 2013, web). Business Strategy Symantec’s goal is to continue to improve its existing products and services, and at the same time develop new, innovative products and services that solve important unmet or underserved needs. Over time customers will have more and better choices that will continue to meet their evolving needs and deliver better value. Symantec is focusing on 10 key areas that combine existing products and services into new, innovative and comprehensive solutions that meet multiple customer needs with integrated and higher value offerings. The overall development process is estimated to take six to 24 months depending on the specific offering (Barron’s Table, 2013, web). These future offerings are intended to align with meeting three key customer needs: Making it simple to be productive and protected at home and work; keeping businesses safe and compliant; and keeping business information and applications up and running. Information Systems and Strategy An organization’s information system includes people, business procedures, and organizational resou rces aimed at collecting data and processing that data to enhance organizational success and development. All information systems involve the acquisition of information, processing of that information and finally the application of that information into various organizational needs. Symantec has a well developed IS strategy that focuses on the use of IS in supporting its business development and growth strategy. By delivering on its information management strategy, the organization protects information completely, deduplicates all information everywhere, thus eliminating redundant data. Further, it provides customers with delete confidently and discover efficiently in the use of its products. New delivery models such as the Symantec Enterprise Vault 9.0 and Enterprise Vault Discovery Collector provides customers with the ease of storage, management and discovery of information across the enterprise (Symantec Corporation History, 2013, web). Proposed Information Strategy, Comparis on with the Current Strategy and Evaluation There is an increase in the need for adopting proper and reliable information systems for every organization. Currently, due to the increase in the level of competition in the current business environment, every organization seeks to implement competitive strategies aiming at winning customers. Symantec corp. operates in a highly competitive business environment. With the increase in the number of organizations providing security and protection to enterprises, organizations and individuals,
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Assignment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Assignment - Coursework Example In this regards, some of the companies that form the above corporation are; Coca Cola company, Honda, Toshiba, Nike, BMW and Wal-Mart just to mention but a few. Notably, research made by Willy keen states that, this company’s allegations stand out that they improve on the economy of countries that are not well-off mainly the third world countries, with the reason of improving on their economy and marketing themselves (Organization, 2005). However, these companies are at big risk of translation exposures because of different political and economical challenges in different nations. Translation exposure is the difference between the exposed rates and liabilities; this may give the rise to currency or fall. Furthermore, this has in turn created a huge challenge in centralization management of the companies involved in this system. Nevertheless, economically these companies are at risk of losing some cash because of huge geographical area of management. Additionally, transaction from this companies experience delays in some areas because of centralized management, hence more risk of losing customers and other great deals. This companies have been rated to have borrowed different amount in the past five years to cater for the economical imbalances. Coca Cola Company $ 12 billion in the year 2003, Toshiba $ 22 million in the year2011 and BMW $ 17 billion in the year 2012. This has been a big challenge in determining and examining the growth of these companies because of the debts they incur yearly (Publishing,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Caux Round Table Principles for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Caux Round Table Principles for Business - Essay Example The researcher states that the general business’s objective is to keep prices low as to give the highest quality services to the customers. In consideration, the business uses its resources effectively and prudently to benefit the business and the community in a whole that rank with a score of 5. It conducts its business with faithfulness and keeps its promises to the stakeholders and its level of adherence amounts to 4 by 3 that equals 12. Lastly, it creates value for its stakeholders as it adheres to domestic and international laws amounting to a score of 3 each in three categories that amounts to 9. The total amount of the score on the general principles equals to 26. The company seeks to improve customer satisfaction daily both on goods and services offered. They treat customers with respect, which is an added advantage of maintaining potential clients while converting the first time clients to frequent ones. Whenever possible, they communicate with our clients on the need s to be met urgently and what could wait for fairly that amounts to a score of 3 and 3 in providing quality that enhances customer requirements. This ensures that our clients’ needs are attended to and consequently boost their satisfaction towards our services. Using the Paine checklist, our score is outstanding ranking at score 4 as they offer quality that meets customer requirements. Still, the score aims at minimizing adverse safety and health impacts and communicate them to clients when appropriate. The total score amounts to 14. As mentioned, the company is a family owned business owned by the author’s father at present. At the present, they have no investors but they hope to have them in the future. Although the score ranks the least, they hope to score the highest score as per Caux roundtable checklist. The table checklist interprets the score as the least with a score of 1 as it does not respect investor’s input to the business.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Case solution Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Solution - Case Study Example However, this initiative was not successful and the league died after one season leading to a loss in the club. In addition, the company has also engaged in movie production through use of the varied characters in the WWE. Further, the company has also launched smart phone applications for the WWE programs aimed at boosting the company revenue. However, despite these ambitious business strategies, WWE has faced various strategic problems. To start with, the increased focus on social media has had a negative impact on business strategy of the company. Many non-televised shows were introduced in the official WWE website, You Tube and Facebook attracting a large number of viewers. As a result of the excessive online focus, other extension brands were limited. Secondly, there is reduced number of divas matches that have been focused on non-televised dark matches hence not receiving enough reaction from a wide WWE fan base. The competitive forces surrounding the WWE are vast but limited considering the fact that WWE is a sports entertainment industry. To start with, the supplier power in relation to the number of well known actors used to perform live performances is limited. This is because other rival firms such as TNA and WCW (later bought by WWE) also compete for the few outstanding performers. Secondly, WWE has a wide customer base hence reducing the buyer power. This was mainly achieved by expanding their audience by making shows that were more acceptable among families. Thirdly, WWE faces limited competitive rivalry in the industry because of adopting business strategies that have been hardly matched by other competing firms. On this note, the WWE was able to compete WCW effectively and even bought the firm later. Of more significance, WWE faces minimal substitution threat in the market. This is because the firm presents wrestling as a form of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Research Methods - Essay Example In the business of fashion design, it is the role of the designer to transform cultural influences with the use of technology into new products. Fashion design technology research is supposed to be developed in a way that it enhances fashion design understanding in the post-modern context, therefore posing this question: In which way has technology influenced the creativity in fashion design? While focusing on creativity in fashion design, this study should evolve while incorporating a grounded theory approach to qualitative inquiry. There should be an interview of luxury-level fashion designers and industry executives in countries with a rich history when it comes to fashion design, France being a good example. The interview should be in depth and regarding creativity and technological ingenuity especially pertaining to the internet when it comes to fashion design process. There should be a concise data analysis which should lead to the definition of a typology for creativity and te chnology in fashion design in the global competitive environment. There should be a relation of these typologies with the use of technology. ... The fashion technology should encompass all aspects that are concerned with the design, production, and distribution of material and apparel goods. Under the discussion of fashion, there are broad components of women’s wear such as accessories, jewelry, and perfume. The production of basic apparel items does not rely on the same conceptual driving force found on novelty and change. For the purpose of a well grounded research fashion industry technology on women’s wear should involve companies or individuals that are involved in the manufacture, fabrication, marketing, and sale of items which:- (a) Have precise aesthetic and performing properties, (b) Elicit psychological response associated to desire and need and (c) Are embraced by a group of women for a limited amount of time. The fashion industry technology function within industrial societies context and is complex encompassing a wide array of disciplines which include aesthetics, design, product development, econom ics, global business, marketing, consumer behavior, operations, and management as well as anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Historical Context The Origin of fashion design technology In the research on fashion design, there should be a note on the focus on technological phenomenon which was developed in the mid-20th century as a result of the internet which is the crux of technology. It is the Internet which has facilitated users to explore the World Wide Web for information and entertainment thus facilitating the development of a new business model, e-commerce which is the process of business transaction through contact made on the World Wide Web. The founding of brands in fashion design is based on creative and innovative research and development aided by technology facilitating
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Possibilities of Progress in International Politics Research Paper
The Possibilities of Progress in International Politics - Research Paper Example â€Å"The Possibilities of Progress in International Politics†Therefore, data will be collected from secondary sources. The qualitative research methodology will correspondingly include three approaches of research. These would incorporate the grounded theory, historical research and critical social research approaches. In this regard, grounded theory research approach suggests of a research based on grounded data from secondary sources as well as primary sources. Based on the collected data obtained from the sources, the research approach will lead to the generation of relevant theory to suffice the determined goal of the study. This approach is highly important in the current context, as it would lead to the establishment of relevant theories related to international political conflicts and resolutions (Leavy, 2014). Another research approach will be used in the study is the historical research approach, wherein the researchers use historical data for conducting the research. These historical data will both be primary and secondary. Primary data will be collected from archaeological evidences and others, while the secondary sources will be collected from several scholarly articles and books (Leavy, 2014). The third approach used in the research study will be the critical social research approach. Through this approach, data collected from social and cultural evidences will be critically analyzed. Applying this approach, the concepts of humanities and social sciences will also be simultaneously used.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Literature review
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect - Literature review Example All the trading activities are limited to the utilization of RMB as the standard currency. This investment channel has opened up new markets which have not been available to international investors operating in Hong Kong. This channel has expanded the access to investment options which are available to different investors within China. International investors in Hong Kong can be able to access and purchase shares listed in the mainland stock market while operating from their location (Sekine 2014). All these transactions will be facilitated through local stock brokers and agents within the different locations. Previously, the investors within the different regions could only access stock within their market and had to be registered in either Hong Kong or Chinese markets to be able to conduct trade there. Despite the development of a joint stock market investment opportunity which presents significant benefits to trader, there are various restrictions in the trading activities which investors can pursue. These restrictions have occurred as a result of the regulation available within the market. There is need for regulation to be implemented in seeking to ensure there is market control in how trading is conducted. The channel has created formula for defining the eligible investors who will be allowed to conduct trade within the channel that is being developed. Investors from Hong Kong and international investors are allowed to access all types of eligible stocks within the shanghai stock market. This will nevertheless not be the circumstance for investors listed in the shanghai stock exchange. The investors from shanghai who can trade in shares within Hong Kong are only institutional investors and individuals who have RMB 500,000 of investment or cash. Only ‘A’ shares from the Shanghai market are included within the eligible shares which can be traded in the channel. Certain constituent stocks of these ‘A’ shares are also accessible to Hong
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Settling the Northern Colonies Vocabulary Essay Example for Free
Settling the Northern Colonies Vocabulary Essay 1. John Calvin: 1. Protestant leader 2. Created dominant religion of American settlers 3. Wrote theories in Institutes of the Christian Religion 2. Anne Hutchinson: 1. Lived in Massachusetts Bay Colony 2. Promoted antinomianism 3. Banished and forced to walk and settle on Rhode Island 3. Roger Williams: 1. Wanted to break from the Church of England 2. Though Massachusetts Bay Colony was unfair to the Indians; banished 3. Built Baptist Church in Rhode Island; complete freedom of religion and shelter for Jews, Catholics, and Quakers 4. Henry Hudson: 1. English explorer 2. Filed a Dutch claim to what he thought was a shortcut through the continent 3. Employed by the Dutch East India Company 5. William Bradford: 1. Lived in Plymouth 2. Elected Governor 3. Feared the non-puritan settlers 6. Peter Stuyvesant: 1. Led a small Dutch military expedition 2. Called the Swedish Settlement that he took New Amsterdam 3. Forced to surrender without firing a single shot by an English squadron 7. Thomas Hooker: 1. Prominent Puritan colonial leader 2. Founded the Colony of Connecticut 3. Outstanding speaker and a leader of universal Christian suffrage 8. William Penn: Founded the Colony of Pennsylvania King Charles II handed over a piece of his American land to satisfy a debt Improved relations between whites and Indians 9. John Winthrop: First governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and served for 19 years Successful attorney and manor lord in England Eagerly accepted offer to become a governor because he believed he had a â€Å"calling†from God to lead the new religious experiment 10. King Philip (Metacom): Massasoit’s son Forged an intertribal unity Mounted a series of coordinated assaults on English villages 11. John Cotton: Massachusetts Bay minister who was prominent among the early clergy Puritan who immigrated to Massachusetts to avoid persecution for his criticism of the Church of England Devoted his education to defending the governments duty to enforce religious rules in the Bay Colony 12. Sir Edmond Andros English military man Generated much hostility because of his open affiliation with the Church of England Taxed the people without consent and strove to enforce the Navigation Laws 13. William and Mary: English rulers Kicked James II out of England (exiled into France), and allowed more power to legislatures Ended the Dominion of New  England, giving power back to the colonists 14. Massasoit: Wampanoag chieftain Signed a treaty with the Plymouth Pilgrims Helped the Pilgrims celebrate their first Thanksgiving 15. Fernando Gorges: Attempted to colonize Plymouth Plymouth was absorbed by Massachusetts Bay after a purchase by the Gorges heirs Was called the Father of English Colonization in North America 16. Myles Standish: Soldier of fortune Indispensible as an Indian fighter and negotiator One of the nonbelongers 17. Martin Luther: German Friar who ignited a fire of religious reform, the Protestant Reformation Nailed his protests against Catholic doctrines to the door of Wittenberg’s cathedral in 1597 Denouncing the authority of priests and popes, he declared that the Bible alone was the source of God’s word 18. Squanto: Taught English by a ship’s captain Befriended the settlers Facilitated Cultural Accommodation 19. Franchise: An authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities The right to vote The territory over which such a license extends 20. Predestination: The doctrine that God has foreordained all things, especially that God has elected certain souls to eternal salvation The divine decree foreordaining all souls to either salvation or damnation The act of God foreordaining all things gone before and to come 21. Freemen: A person who is entitled to full political and civil rights A person who is not a slave or serf A person who enjoys political and civil liberties 22. â€Å"Visible saints†People who appeared to be godly Christian people who would go to heaven when they died Strict Puritans in colonial days only allowed visible saints to worship with them. They were revered because they were open about their beliefs 23. Conversion: Spiritual change from sinfulness to righteousness change from one religion, political belief, viewpoint, etc., to another The act or process of converting; state of being converted 24. Doctrine of a Calling: A doctrine believed by John Winthrop instructing him to do Gods work Sent from God Many Puritans believed it also told them to do Gods work 25. Covenant: An agreement A formal written agreement between two or more people, businesses, countries, etc a usually formal, solemn, and binding Agreement 26. Antinomianism: The theological doctrine that by faith and Gods grace a Christian is freed from all laws one who holds that under the gospel dispensation of grace The moral law is of no use or obligation because faith alone is necessary to salvation one who rejects A socially established morality 27. Sumptuary Laws: Laws intended to restrain or limit the expenditure of citizens in apparel, food, furniture, etc. Laws which regulate the prices of commodities and the wages of labor Laws which forbid or restrict the use of certain articles, as of luxurious apparel 28. Salutary Neglect: An unofficial and long-lasting British policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary Laws meant to keep the American colonies obedient to England A period of time in which Britain left the Colonies alone 29. Passive resistance: Nonviolent opposition to authority, esp. a refusal to cooperate with legal requirements. resistance especially to a government or an occupying power characterized mainly by noncooperation A way of opposing the government without using violence especially by refusing to obey laws 30. â€Å"city upon a hill†religious utopia that would be acclaimed and imitated across the Old World initially invoked by English-born Puritan leader John Winthrop A City upon a Hill is a phrase from the parable of Salt and Light in Jesuss Sermon on the Mount 31. Protestant Ethic: The view that a persons duty is to achieve success through hard work and thrift, such success being a sign that one is saved. an ethic that stresses the virtue of hard work, thrift, and self-discipline important factor in the economic success of Protestant groups in the early stages of European capitalism 32. Dutchification: to make Dutch in quality or traits the process of turning things Dutch To render more Dutch 33. Protestant Reformation Inspires many new religions as it made its way through Europe. Inspires Calvinism in Geneva, migrates to England and inspires Puritans. Started by Martin Luther after he posts his complaints about Catholics on a church door 34. Great Migration 70,000 refugees flee England in the 1630s. Groups of Puritans and many others leave for religious freedom. Charles I and Archbishop Laud calls Protestants swine rooted from Gods vineyard 35. Glorious Revolution Dethrones unpopular Catholic James II, enthrones Protestant ruler of Netherlands William III and Mary II Dominion of New England collapses in the colonies; Andros tries to escape in womans clothing but is caught and sent to England. Puritans lose control of Massachusetts, English James II supporters hold American governing positions are corrupt and stopped the rise of local American leaders. 36. Pequot War Between Pequot Tribe and colonists in the Connecticut River Valley. Colonists slaughter the tribe and establish four decades of uneasy peace between Native Americans and colonists. English critics call out the Puritans. 37. Dutch golden age Dutch West and East Companies thrive. Takes an aristocratic tinted government and controls majority of New York and Caribbean. Leads to invasion from English and Swedish. 38. Pilgrims Make a religious journey like Old Testament with Moses. Protestants from England and Amsterdam that separated from the Church of England that were called Separatists, wanted Calvinism Create Mayflower Compact as their self-government since they did not go to charted land so were not controlled by the King, only members of church can vote (religious intolerance) 39. New England Confederation Defense against Native Americans, Dutch, and French. First time colonies and colonists work together. Had to fight without British support in the English Civil War. 40. Calvinism Starts in Geneva and makes it way to England during Protestant Reformation. Protestants like Calvinists ideas and want the Reformation to move at a faster pace so that Calvinist ideas can be put in place. Seek signs of conversion- receipt of Gods free gift of saving grace 41. Massachusetts Bay Colony Settlers are educated and mainly Puritan, come from the Great Migration. Protestant work ethic- delayed gratification, if they work hard now they will be rewarded later Elected government but only male church members can vote. 42. Dominion of New England Imposed from London in New England, New York, East and West Jersey, Sir Edmund Andros is in charge. Promoted efficiency in the administration of the English, places heavy restrictions on courts, press, and schools. Revokes all land titles and collects taxes without consent. Glorious Revolution ends the Dominion; Andros tries to escape in womens clothes. 43. The Elect Select that are predestine to go to heaven didn’t know if they were or werent sought signs of conversion Anne Hutchinson claims that they don’t have to follow laws or work. Calvinism religion 44. Puritans: Formed during Protestant Reformation in England. Adopt Calvinist views, share extreme views and interpretation of Bible. Extreme Puritans become Separatists and come to New World and start new colonies. 45. General Court: Puritan controlled court in Massachusetts Early form of Puritan democracy Elected by Freemen 46. Dutch West India Company: Located in West Indies Captures Spanish ship with $15 million worth of loot aboard. Establishes New Netherlands off the Hudson for fur trading and buys Manhattan. 47. Seperatists: Extreme Puritans who threaten to leave Church of England. Get kicked out of England and sent to Amsterdam then migrate to New World, Set up Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colony. 48. Bible Commonwealth: Name for Bay Colony, Quakers cause religious indifferences they are punished and hung Anne Hutchinson preaches antinomianism and is banished. Roger Williams speaks out against Puritanism is banned but escapes and starts Baptism in Rhode Island 49. Quakers (Religious Society of Friends): Escape from Massachusetts Bay Colony where they are being punished. Start colonizing in Pennsylvania under William Penns rule Welcome any type of people hand out flyers in England looking for people to come to Pennsylvania. 50. Mayflower: Boat that brought over first Pilgrims, poor quality boat. Mayflower Compact is written on it. Sixty five day trip with 102 passengers. 51. French Huguenots: Dissent from French Protestant adopts Calvinism, not allowed in New World. Had little toleration in Europe, fled to colonies after Protestantism was outlawed in 1685. Over 10,000 killed in Europe 52. Scottish Presbyterians: Dissent of Scottish Protestants No religious tolerance Werent allowed to come to New World 53. Church of England: Ruled by King until Pope is placed in charge but King controls the Pope Those against the Church of England were hung, they fled to New World Catholic Church. 54. Congregational Church: No ties with England purely ran by Puritan colonists Self- governing Puritan church with no connection to Anglican Church Started in New England along with democratic government 55. Institutes of the Christian Religion: Written by John Calvin in Latin in 1536 Introductory to the Protestant religion Attacks certain Catholic beliefs 56. Navigation Laws: Limits colonies from trading with other countries beside England Increases smuggling and upsets many colonists Salutary Neglect- weakly enforces the Navigation Laws 57. Mayflower Compact: Drafted by Puritans coming to the New World that wanted self- government 40 something white males sign it (members of the church) First real drafted form of government in the colonies 58. Fundamental Orders: Established in New England Sets up a regime democratically controlled by the citizens Made to make New England the best and biggest colony 59. Plymouth Bay: Set up by Separatists from Amsterdam, originally kicked out of England Democratic government but only male members of the church can vote Less successful than Massachusetts Bay Colony 60. New Netherland: Set up by Dutch West India Company in the West Indies after they get $15 million from Spanish ship they captured Set up for fur trading on the Hudson River Led to the purchase of Manhattan 61. New Amsterdam: Run by Dutch company interested in stocks Settles first Jews in its aristocratic tinted civilization Gets in disputes and wars with English, Swedish, and Native Americans 62. New Sweden: Swedish invade Dutch land and take it Dutch rebel and regain land New Sweden fades away along with Swedish rule in colonies 63. Penns Woodland: Literal meaning for Pennsylvania name given by the King who wrote the charter for William Penn For Quakers or any other people wanting to go the colonies but not interested or accepted in what the other colonies were offering Best advertised colony in Europe 64. Reconciliation: Restoration of friendly relations The action of making one view or belief compatible with another. Returning to faith or harmony after conflict
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
American Idiot Essay Example for Free
American Idiot Essay The song that I chose to write about is titled American Idiot by Green Day. This song was on Green Day’s album titled American Idiot. This album was originally released in 2004. American Idiot, the song, peaked at number 61 on the Billboard Hot 100. My reason for choosing this song is that it talks about how the media runs society and how people shouldn’t let the media run their lives. The main social issue that is talked about in this song is how the media runs our lives and society. One of the lines in the song is â€Å"Don’t wanna be an American idiot, one nation controlled by the media. †This line refers to how people in America rely heavily on the media for everything. They trust every word that is printed in a newspaper or magazine or said on television without question. People hang on every word that is pumped through the media. I don’t consider this to be a personal problem because it refers to all people being controlled by the media. It is not as if the singer in the song is the only one that the media affects. Media is worldwide ways of letting people know what is going on around them. What Billy Joe Armstrong is saying throughout this song is that people need to realize is that not everything that a person hears is necessarily true and people should not panic just because of what the news says. Green Day is an American rock band that was formed in 1987. the group consists of three members: Billy Joe Armstrong(vocals), Tre` Cool(drums), and Mike Dirnt(bass). In 1988, they signed to Lookout Records and then in 1989 they released their first EP titled 1,000 Hours. However, the band didn’t have much success until it released the album Kerplunk in 1993. After Kerplunk’s success, Green Day proceeded to leave Lookout Records and sign with Reprise Records. In 1994, they released their first major label debut, Dookie. Over the next few years, Green Day would have much success but then decided to take a break in 1996. They returned in 1997. When they returned, they began to work on a new full-length album. This album was entitled Nimrod and was released in October of 1997. This album deviated from their normally pop-punk style of music and gave listeners a variety of music. They didn’t release another album until 2000 when they released Warning which further continued their new sound that they started with Nimrod. After releasing Warning, they were nominated for 8 awards in the California Music Awards. They won all eight awards. The band then continued their success over the next few years. In 2004 the band released American Idiot. And then in 2006 they won the Grammy for record of the year because of the track Boulevard of Broken Dreams which spent 16 weeks at the top of the charts. The lyrics to American Idiot are as follows: â€Å"Dont wanna be an American idiot. Dont want a nation under the new mania. And can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mindfuck America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alienation. Everything isnt meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. Were not the ones whore meant to follow. For thats enough to argue. Well maybe Im the faggot America. Im not a part of a redneck agenda. Now everybody do the propaganda. And sing along in the age of paranoia. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alienation. Everything isnt meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. Were not the ones whore meant to follow. For thats enough to argue. Dont wanna be an American idiot. One nation controlled by the media. Information age of hysteria. Its calling out to idiot America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alienation. Everything isnt meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. Were not the ones whore meant to follow. For thats enough to argue. â€
Feasibility Study Of National Saudi Arabia Day Tourism Essay
Feasibility Study Of National Saudi Arabia Day Tourism Essay Every country celebrates its national day-be it the date of countrys independence from a former colonizer, the day when the country declared itself a new and sovereign state, thus marking its place in the international community of nations or simply the time when a once-divided country was reunified and made whole again. This event paper will focus on the celebration of a National Saudi Arabia Day, which is traditionally celebrated on the 23rd of September. This is the date when King Abdul Aziz reunited the country in 1932. Saudis National Day was declared a holiday only fairly recently, but its social, historical and cultural impact is felt every time it is celebrated. The researcher would like to recommend holding a number of activities held simultaneously on the culminating event of the celebration. This will be called Soar Saudi Arabia and will feature activities that relate to the countrys rich history, economy and social life. The main event will be held in the capital city, Riyadh, during the evening. The capital is the most perfect location for the main event because it is the most accessible and cosmopolitan place in the country. It offers all the top of the line amenities and services that potential tourists will look for, such as taxicab services, car rentals, and five-star hotel accommodations. But the celebration will not be confined to just the capital. The NDC will also launch small token events in other parts of the country to impart the feeling of a collective national celebration. Other smaller events will likewise be held during the day in Riyadh to build up the excitement for the primary celebration at night. There will be exhibits showing photographs and artefacts relating to the history of Saudi Arabia, books and movies depicting Arabian culture, and a specially commissioned documentary depicting the rise and reunification of KSA which will be shown for free every two hours in the main event tent. Kiosks and booths selling tourist items, trinkets, delicacies and other crafts shall surround the main staging area. During the culminating program, there will be a live cultural presentation from KSAs tribal and ethnic groups, a grand pyrotechnic show, and a short awarding ceremony for honouring Arabian citizens who have given substantial contribution to KSA society. This program shall be held at the main event tent. Taking advantage of the 2005 declaration of September 23rd as a national holiday, the researcher proposes to hold all the events on this particular date to take advantage of the number of people who do not have to go to work or school on that day, and can instead be convinced to participate in an important patriotic event. Soar Saudi Arabia is therefore a most opportune event for both the organizers and the people to make the most out of the national day celebration for the first time. It is an excellent opportunity for companies and other organizations to give back to the community as well as to directly expose their product or service to the market of consumers (Mack 1999). This year, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will celebrate its 78th National Day, surely a momentous event for any state. The Kingdom enjoys a strong and prosperous economy despite the global financial downturn that happened in the last quarter of 2008. As the KSA welcomes another year of sovereignty and prosperity, it is but fitting that the private sector, the state and the international community come together to celebrate a very significant time in the countrys history. According to Almaeena (2005), a nations act of honouring its national day is not merely paying lip service to the long-established tradition of celebrating this particular day. Rather, it is also important to look at September 23rd as the date when the people of KSA can individually and collectively look back upon the historical foundation of their nation and also look forward to future challenges and developments that will come upon them. The need to rekindle the Saudi Arabian societys passion for celebrating their national day can be addressed by putting up an event to mark this famous day. Soar Saudi Arabia is an event that is meant to accomplish many things, but for the most part it is designed to serve as a venue for bringing the Saudi Arabian citizens together in a day of pride and honour. It is also a day to remind the international community of the KSAs power and influence, its unique history and people, and its exalted position in the global economy and politics. The event is likewise expected to generate profits for both the government and the private sector by increasing the tourist traffic. September is one of the slow months of the tourist season, and launching a big national celebration on the national holiday will definitely attract a sizable crowd of tourists who have never before seen how the people of KSA celebrate this day. The driving ideal behind the event is to portray that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is more than just the petroleum products that it produces-it is a country peopled by intelligent, hardworking citizens who share a proud common heritage and who believe in the same positive social objectives. Because this is the first time that KSA will really go all out on a national day celebration, it is expected that Soar Saudi Arabia will attract not merely business but also notable dignitaries from other states who will wish to attend a distinctive event. Thus, the event at hand is not just for tourism and business purposes; it is also a way for KSA to promote the country and claim its place in the international community. Soar Saudi Arabia is therefore not just any typical national day celebration that begins with a welcome speech and ends with a brilliant display of fireworks. The researcher has designed this event so that it will cater to the interests of both old and young people, whether or not they are citizens of KSA. What is important is for the event to become a symbol of the countrys grand story and its readiness to face the challenges that the future may pose. It is hoped that through this event, the younger generations will be more convinced to pay greater attention to their exceptional history and heritage, even as globalization continues to facilitate a kind of uniformity across different countries. Mission, vision and objectives of the event At the heart of this event is an opportunity for the people of KSA to express their patriotic feelings on the national day celebration. More than anything else, Soar Saudi Arabia is a venue for the people to show their pride for their fatherland. It is the goal of this event to provide an excellent chance for the world to understand Saudi Arabian society in particular and the Muslim world in general. The widespread prejudice today against the Islamic community has not considerably hindered the economic activities of Saudi Arabia and of Arabic companies, but the social stigma makes an impact beyond the realm of corporate engagements. Soar Saudi Arabia is envisioned to be a means for the world to know more about Saudi Arabia, to appreciate the beauty of how their society came about. The event will be spearheaded by a 2010 National Day Council (NDC), members of which will come from the private sector, the government, the royal family, foreign investors, the academe, non profit organizations, international groups, and other relevant stakeholders. The NDC envisions the celebration to be a showcase of all the best that Saudi Arabia has to offer: its food, music, fashion, artwork, history, culture, sports, tradition and literature. It will be a venue that will allow the varying threads that make up the social life of KSA to come together and blend in a beautiful design to honour the day when the country was reunited as one state and one territory. The organizers intend for this celebration to be a reminder to everyone that KSA is not just a country where oil makes people rich; it is also a country with a colourful past and a lot of new lessons to learn. Yon Cho (n.d.) noted that festivals and special events (FSEs) have recently become a catalyst for community development, as well as becoming more popular among communities (Small et al. 2005). Soar Saudi Arabia is designed to become a driver for the growth of tourism and international interest in KSA, as well as a source of pride and joy for the people themselves. Liang et al. (2008) are entirely in agreement when they said that FSEs have the peculiar effect of crystallizing the sense of identity of the local community who holds such events, as well as piquing the interest of tourists who have little or no exposure at all to their particular culture and history. Tourism has become an important business in recent years because of the lowered costs and improved safety of methods of transportation. Globalization has also helped in the process because new technological tools such as the Internet and the email have allowed people to learn more about far-flung places that they had only read or heard about, therefore making them curious enough to actually visit these locations. With the array of transportation and accommodation options available to international visitors, the tourism industry has certainly grown and become a robust economic sector. The KSA is not exactly a hot tourist spot by todays standards, but it is hoped that through events like Soar Saudi Arabia new festivals and special gatherings will be created and held in order to boost not just the countrys tourism profits but also its cultural and historical heritage. The present event is but a small step towards opening the KSA society to the whole world and introducing a different side of the country to the international community. Proposed organizational structure As already mentioned, the 2010 National Day Council will be spearheading Soar Saudi Arabia and will serve as the main government agency to handle all affairs and transactions necessary for the event. The Council shall be composed of eleven notable leaders and personalities in their respective fields, with one chairperson and ten regular members. They will be appointed by the King through a careful nomination and selection process. Some of the proposed sectors from which the council members must come from include the banking industry, the academe, the petroleum manufacturers and so on and so forth. The Council will have its own paid organizational staff who will oversee all aspects of the celebration, from the coordination with partner agencies and companies to the documentation of all the events and programs for the duration of the month-long celebration. However, the entirely staff will not be permanent; only a core group of personnel shall be necessary to perform the Councils regular work. Additional employees will be hired on a project basis as needed prior to the September 23rd event itself. Work breakdown structure A work breakdown structure allows is a kind of family tree that gives an accurate graphical description of all the job components needed to complete a particular project or event. Breaking down the project at hand into smaller work units allows the coordinator to have a more manageable concept map of all the work that needs to be accomplished. By dividing the whole project into smaller bites, improvements can be applied at once and problem areas identified and addressed properly. Figure 2. Work breakdown structure for the Soar Saudi Arabia 2010 celebration The project will go through the requisite four stages of event management: planning, running, following up and evaluating. These four steps are necessary in order for the Council and its partner agencies to have a clear idea as to the changes that need to be integrated in the next National Day Celebration. This being the very first time that KSA will officially celebrate its reunification day, it is incumbent upon the Council to make this a good standard against which future special events and festivals will be measured and analyzed. Thus, ensuring the events success is important not only for the sake of a good show, so to speak, but also for the sake of future celebrations to be held in KSA. Human resource plan Basic risk management plan In any event or occasion, it is always important for the organizers to come up with contingency plans that are sufficient to answer for any problems that will occur prior to or during the event itself. The bigger and more complex an event is, the greater the chances of something going wrong along the way, even if every detail was carefully planned and executed prior to the event itself. This is why event organizers have to establish back up plans or what is more properly called a risk management plan that can be made operative in case of any breach or failure in the agreed scheme of activities. In an event as big as the national day celebration of KSA, there are a number of risk factors that have to be taken into serious consideration. Most important among them are the security and crowd control measures that will be employed, especially during the night of the culmination program in Riyadh. The main event tent will be the venue for the evening celebration but the surrounding areas shall be also be a staging ground for the pyrotechnic show. An estimated 10,000-20,000 people (locals and tourists alike) plus the NDC personnel are expected to stay in Riyadh as early as a week before the September 23 event. Therefore, proper security measures have to be outlined in order to protect the safety of all the people. Additional police officers would have to be taken in from the surrounding provinces so that the city police would be sufficient in number to respond to any emergency situations. Another priority risk that has to have back-up plans is the very real likelihood of transportation and accommodation problems among the guests. The citys carrying capacity is so much less than the number of people who are expected to pour into KSA for the duration of the event, so solutions have to be designed in order to make the travel to and from the hotels and the events area should be as seamless as possible. To allow traffic and transportation jams to occur is to leave a negative impression, especially with the first-time tourists who are only just beginning to form their ideas about KSA. Hotels and second-class living areas also have to be built or leased from private companies so that there will be sufficient rooms for every tourist, whatever their particular budget may be. Income and expenditure The following represents the proposed income and profit scheme between the NDC and the private companies who will be selected as partners for the event: Income Expenditure From corporate sponsorships Construction of event venue From voluntary donations Staff salary Government allocated budget Complimentary transportation and accommodation for selected VIPs Share from the profit of commercial booths in the events area Tokens to VIPs and sponsors Rentals from the booths and other business in main area Salary for additional police and peacekeeping force Beautification for Riyadh City Gratis for cultural performers, filmmakers and others Event monitoring and evaluation Even with the financial partnership with corporate organizations and other socio-civic groups, the 2010 National Day Council will remain as the main oversight body that has veto power over all decisions and strategies regarding the event. For example, a corporate sponsorship may be terminated in case of any breach committed by the partner company or individual. The hiring of additional personnel for the actual event day shall be supervised by the regular staff of the NDC in order to have a firm control of the necessary skills and qualifications needed but their wages shall be borne by the collective NDC funds. The event shall be separately and jointly evaluated by the different partner agencies and companies as well as by the NDC. This two tiered process is necessary in order to determine the success of the event as perceived by the different participants and stakeholders. An on-site feedback survey shall also be done on the day of the event itself by randomly selecting visitors to the booths and the evening program. Holding separate evaluations is also necessary to determine the actual benefits of the corporate partnership on a mutual level. On the part of NDC, it is a way to identify if there are ineffective partners or groups that have been selected for this first event, so that future festivals can have better sponsors. As for the corporate partnerships, the companies themselves will be able to know if their investment in the event has paid off. Each party to the partnership has a different objective upon joining, and holding discrete assessment methods tailored to their specific requirements will give a fuller and realistic view of the events success. At the end of the day, the evaluation outcomes shall be put together and analyzed as a comprehensive, interlocking series of activities.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
This Boys Life Essay -- Literature Life Decisions Relationships Essay
Dwight and Caroline’s relationship can be characterized into three stages. From its inception Jack and Caroline had a relationship based on infatuation alone. Their relationship consisted of passion alone for each other. Caroline was sexually attracted to Dwight, as was he to her. Caroline was infatuated with the person Dwight appeared to be. She was turned on that he was nice and charming and knew how to treat a woman. When they first began to go out Caroline adored the fact that he brought her flowers. Dwight was simply interested in Caroline for what she had to offer him. The passion alone is what got him to that level. Soon after their relationship developed into a Fatuous Love. In the beginning of the marriage the couple’s relationship had been based on passion and commitment. Both were still physically and sexually attracted to each other but the role of commitment came into play as well. Dwight needed a female figure in the home to do his chores, such as cook hi s dinner and clean his house, as well as a mother-like figure for his children. Caroline needed to settle down and start her life over. She was tired of always being on the run, and Dwight brought as sense of security and stability into her life. She also needed a father for Jack. This may have driven her into the arms of Jack more than any other reason. Dwight had everything she was looking for in a father for Jack. He seemed caring, authoritarian, loving, and stable. Their relationship would continue to go on in this manner until the passion faded. This led to an Empty Love relationship. The commitment alone is what kept them together. They no longer had any real feelings of love fore one another. Dwight was simply with Caroline for the reason that she kept food on the table and kept his house clean. Caroline on the other hand was still with Dwight because she had no where else to turn as well as what Jack had to offer her son. Dwight was like a father figure to Jack, something th at Jack never had before and needed at this age because he was very impressionable. Caroline’s commitment, for the fact that he provided for them and supposedly was like a father to Jack kept her with Dwight. From the time Jack arrived in Seattle to the time he left for prep school Jack’s behaviors and life decisions were extrinsically and intrinsically motivated. Upon his arrival in Seattle with his mother Jac... ...e his life in Concrete would be wasted if he didn’t realize that this is his opportunity to leave. I would also tell Arthur that he can â€Å"succeed†and make it big because he’s a smart kid, and that he shouldn’t let his mind and talent go to waste, especially not in a crude town like Concrete. In a way I seized my chance when I made my decision to move to Danbury. Things weren’t going to well for me back in NY. I was hanging out with too many people from the wrong crowd, and that eventually put me in many uncomfortable situations. I was lagging behind in school and I kept getting into trouble. Had I stayed in NY I probably would be up to the same things now as I was before. I would be cutting school and causing my mother even more grief. Since I moved here I have brought up my grades and am preparing for the SAT’s. That is another thing I doubt I would be doing if I were in NY. Eleventh grade is the most important grade, and I knew I needed to do well if I wanted to go to a good college and make something o myself. The opportunity arose when my aunt moved here and I seized the chance. I’m glad I didn’t decide to stay, otherwise I would be wondering if I could have pulled it off.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Abolute Monarchs Essay -- essays research papers
ABSOLUTE MONARCHS During the middle of the seventeen century and early eighteen century, the system of central authority was established. King Louis XIV (Sun King), Frederick William (The Elector), and Tsar Peter I (The Great) their achievements, policies, and similarities were in view of obtaining desired goals. Many achievements for advancement were accomplished during the late 1700s and early 1800s. The French King Louis XIV created at Versailles, near Paris a elaborate court and in 1680s he transformed a small chateau into the largest building in Europe, 12 miles from Paris. Also, Louis XIV carried off successfully a dual functions. He was both King in council and King in court. In his view, the two rules went together and he held them in balance. Frederick William developed, Berlin, into a cultural center he founded what was to become one of the finest libraries in the world, the Prussian State Library. He made his palace a center of art. Frederick construction program beautified Berlin with new churches and huge public buildings. He also established an academy of Sciences. Tsar Peter I was the only one of the autocrats to build an entirely new capital, called ST. Petersburg. Policies were implemented to establish precedence. Louis XIV implemented polices to expand Frances’s frontiers and to assert his superiority over other European states. In the early 1680s, Louis adopted the Marquis aim and asserted his right to a succession of territories on Frances&a...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Spanish Food Essay -- Food Culture Cultural Research Papers
Spain, the third largest country in Europe, has a strong history and diverse culture dating back to when the Iberians first inhabited the land. The country lies between the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean and the land ranges from mountains to meadows. Over hundreds of centuries, many different civilizations have inhabited the land influencing the people there today. From the Visigoths and Celts to the Romans of the Middle Ages, Spain has received a rich history and background. One of the strongest of its cultures is the food. All of these cultures brought a particular type of food and combined and blended with the food that exists there today. Spain is very popular for olives, vineyards, and citrus fruit. Another well-liked food is garlic, including varieties of peppers and spices. Once spice specificallyâ€â€golden saffronâ€â€is essential in many recipes, including the Spanish Paella. There are many distinguished Spanish foods that encompass the daily life and culture of the country. The tapa is a way to sample a variety of Spanish foods. This method of eating is the cornerstone of Spanish cuisine. A tapa is a small dish of food, similar to an appetizer in the United States. Mainly in bars, they are served throughout the day. No single food makes up a tapa; it can be seafood, vegetables, or meat. Tapas normally are eaten primarily at two times of the day. The first is at or around 1:00pm for an early-afternoon snack. Normally, tapas are served prior to a large afternoon ...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Anne Bradstreet vs Jonathan Edwards Essays and Term Papers
Anne Bradstreet and Jonathan Edwards Throughout the time, there has always been a debate regarding the hypothetical issue that deals with the existence of god and his role in mankind. Some believe that god has power to manipulate human fate, and consequences of their actions which mean if you do well, god will send you to heaven, if not to hell. Meanwhile, other opines that god does not decide the consequence of those actions. Whether you do well or bad, god will always be there with you.After reading and analyzing poems by Anne Bradstreet and Jonathan Edwards, although it is quite clear that they have many similar religious beliefs and similar base, Puritanism, it is obvious that there is a huge gap in belief between the two authors. Edward's writing takes Puritanism to its extremities whereas Bradstreet's works show a conventional view in the religion while still staying true to it. Born in Northhampton, England, in 1612, Anne Bradstreet grew up in a Puritan society, where women we re considered their husband’s property limited inside the household serving their husbands.Marriage was a significant role to women among Puritans. People believed that marriage was a gift by god. The Puritan religion and their society believed that the women’s place in society should be limited to a wife and a mother. Being a part of such society, Anna believed that God would be there for you, even during bad times. She had good faith in god. She never gave up her faith, even though times were not good. Although Anne did not ignore her Puritan role or duties, she did receive harsh criticism for her works.During this time, women were judged intellectually inferior to men, yet Anne had become one of the greatest, influential writers of her time. Similarly, talking about Jonathan Edward, he was born into a Puritan evangelical household on October 5, 1703, in East Windsor, Connecticut. He was America’s most important philosophical theologian and greatest intellectu als. He was a theologian best known for his role in the first great awakening. He spoke quietly and softly in most of his sermons, drawing his audiences to conclusion with his emotional appeals.His words painted a graphic picture that was very fear provoking and meant to awaken his audience. He believed that if you were bad, you went hell; if you were reborn you went hell. He believes that we have to do, what god wants us to do. He is the master and we are all substantially bad. He also believes god is the only thing keeping people from hell, and he is angry because people would not thank him for his miraculous works. Bradstreet was bothered by the gender bias that prevailed during her time; the belief was that a woman's place was in the home, attending to the family and fulfilling her husband's needs.Women were often considered intellectually inferiors, which made the critics believed that Bradstreet stole her ideas for her poems from men. Her writing was severely criticized becaus e it was that of a woman, receiving a different kind of criticism than that of her male counterparts. Similarly, public also showed harsh reaction to Bradstreet's role as a female writer. When her first publication of â€Å"The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America†was released, the idea that she was a virtuous women had to be stressed.Another theme in Bradstreet's works was her religious experiences. In her writing, Bradstreet gives an insight of Puritan views of salvation and redemption. She writes about how she feels that God has punished her through sicknesses and domestic problems. The Puritans believed that suffering was god's approach of preparing the human heart for accepting his grace. This idea inundated Bradstreet, and she wrote about how she struggled to do everything that she could to give into her will, in order to save her wandering soul.However, she thought that God was so hard on her because her soul was so much in love with the world. She doubted godâ€⠄¢s existence bothered by scriptures miracles. Anne’s faith came through her experience in life. She believes god gives you a chance at everything you have. She also wrote some poems, where she asked God to watch over her children and husband. â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God†conveys a very extreme viewpoint of God, that of Jonathan Edwards. According to Edwards, humanity is naturally plagued with sin, despite our ongoing efforts to overcome it.Throughout his sermon, Edwards goes on endlessly about how God shows such mercy in not throwing all of humanity to the deepest depths of hell by the very earth itself. Edwards said in the sermon, â€Å"You hang by slender thread, with the flames of divine wrath flashing about it, and ready every moment to singe it, and burn it as under, and you have no interest in any mediator, nothing to keep off the flames of wrath, nothing to lay hold off to same yourself, nothing that you have done, nothing you can do, to induce god to spare you one moment. Edwards decided to present a highly devout system of worshipping god, whereas Bradstreet went with a conventional approach and simply restated the traditional beliefs of the puritan society and how it held up in her life. She does not reiterate in her poems that god will condemn humanity unless they show piousness. Bradstreet views God as â€Å"that mighty architect†and conveys him as a merciful creator. In direct contrast to that Edward’s view god shows him as the merciless ruler†and that god is poised to â€Å"destroy the sinner†.These contrasting points of view help distinguish each author’s religious beliefs. As a conclusion, by reading the works of Bradstreet and Edwards, we see the differences and similarities formed in their beliefs. Their difference is Edwards preaches the word in a harsh format that makes people come to Christ because Jonathan scares them into Religion. Bradstreet is in belief that god will bl ess you as long as your obedient in his words.If people disobey in god’s word, then god can take many of your wonderful blessings away. Edwards views God as hating us, being repulsed by us, and having all the desire and ability required to kill us. Anne Bradstreet views God much less harshly. Their similarities are their beliefs in Christ and how to be obedient in him. They were both American writers with a common characteristic in their writings. Both of these puritan writers have strong thoughts about religion and did not hold back those thoughts in their writings.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ In the Qur’an
The genealogy of Mary the mother of Jesus according to Ali, 1935, started from the bloodline of Moses and Aaron’s father Imran and wife Hannah( 131). Imran’s wife Hannah (Anne) was very excited that she conceived of a child so she offered it to God’s service again even when it was still in her womb (132). Hannah was thinking it was a male (132). After giving birth and realizing it was a baby girl, Hannah named her Mary (132). The people cast lots with bows and arrows and disputed over the care of the baby girl Mary (134). Hannah then sought God’s guidance, protection and sustenance for her daughter Mary because during those times the Mosaic Law was in force and it prohibits females from temple service (132). After realizing that God must have plans for giving her a baby girl, she was inspired to commit Mary to the care of people who was directly related to her family. Hannah entrusted Mary to a priest Zacchariya who was already an old man and wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth was her cousin as she was the daughter of Aaron (132). She was already past her menopausal age so she does not have a child at the moment (132). Zacchariya and Elizabeth took Mary just like their very own and housed her in a place that was secured and protected from harm (132).  Every now and then just like a real daughter, Zacchariya would check on the condition of Mary in her room (132). Zacchariya would offer her food and other needs but all the time Mary was found to have abundant supply (132). As a priest Zacchariya could not question Mary’s faith (132). Mary never lack in any material needs (132). When Mary was asked where she got all those stuff, her answer would be God provided her everything she needs (132). This kind of secluded life, a life away from socialization was the lot of Mary the daughter of Imran and Hannah up until she was about twelve when lo and behold! Angels who were in human form from nowhere appeared (134). They said God has picked you above all women on earth (134). At first she was adamant and scared and so she sought God’s help (771). She then pleaded for them not to approach her until after she could veil herself up (771). Covered with a veil she conceded talking to her visitors (771). The visitors informed Mary that they were messengers of God and they are here tasked to deliver to her some lessons to learn (134). They taught her whom to worship alone (134). The visitors who were actually angels in human form taught her also how to properly prepare herself before worship and the proper way of doing worship to God (134). She was told to bow down like a Muslim does and stand humble before God as those Muslims who bow down and worship God Alone (134). She was very obedient and receptive that she followed all that they taught her (134). So, the angels went away. After sometime, one of them name Jibril (Gabriel) came back (134). He said, this time he has a new message from God (134). Mary was told that she will conceive of a child (134). Of course she was stunned and dumbfounded (134). But the angel relieved her by saying only through the words of God â€Å"Be and it is†, then, this will be realized (134). She submitted to the call but she added in her innocence saying, how will I ever get pregnant when I do not have any relationship with any male (135)? The Angel answered that it is up to God on how to go about it (135). Whatever God plans, it can happen there is no question on that (135). The angels told her that she will be pregnant with a boy. This boy she will have to name Christ Jesus (Isa), the son of Mary (134). Mary conceived while she was in Nazareth of Galilee some 65 miles North of Jerusalem (772). Because this pregnancy condition was a taboo in her country and people, and people would kill her for immorality, Mary must keep herself away from the probing kinsfolk and neighbors (772). So she was led by the Angel to a place called Bethlehem, around six miles South of Jerusalem (772). She stayed in seclusion until she delivered Jesus nine months later (772). Mary was all alone when she delivered her child, so, she held on to the trunk of a palm tree to pull her strength up as she felt the pangs of birth and she cried because of pain that she said to herself, it could have been better if she died before and just laid to rest (772), but she was able to push out the baby successfully. Alas! She heard a voice telling her not to be sad and to quench her thirst, wipe away her tears, and cool herself down with the spring water just flowing beneath the palm tree, and if she shakes the trunk of the tree the ripe dates would fall down for her to eat with delight (772). Amr bin Maymun said, â€Å"Nothing is better for the woman confined in childbed than dried dates and fresh dates†( When Mary regained her composure, she was also instructed not to talk to anyone, and if ever there are those who persist, just to tell them with a hand sign that she was fasting (772). The area where she delivered Jesus was an obscure place and so she was thought to have moved the child to the manger in a stable (772). After gaining back her much needed strength and confidence, she decided to go back to her hometown carrying along the baby Jesus (773). But, to her dismay, her towns mate slapped on her face the fact that she was the sister of Aaron and that her father was not a bad man so as her mother was not a bad woman (773). To all these however she did not say anything, but, she just pointed out her finger to the child she was carrying (773). The people said how on earth a child can talk to us (773). And to their amazement, the baby Jesus on her mother’s arms talked (773). This was in defense of His mother Mary whose chastity was a special virtue and became an ideal for all nations to learn (843). Works Cited Ali Yusuf, Abdullah. The Holy Qur’an. Lebanon: Beirut. 1935.   Â
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